Summer 2018 P Credit Course: Rhythm & Power: Dance, Immigration, and Community Action in NYC History
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Course Information
- 3 P Credits (with ASPDP registration)
- Includes fun dance and movement workshops - no prior dance experience necessary
- The Museum of the City of New York is a CTLE certified provider. This program provides 36 CTLE hours.
Course Description
Get energized and have fun this summer as you learn about the history of New York City’s diverse population and rich immigrant cultures through the lens of dance. In this 6-day course for educators, experience and practice multiple engagement strategies and write lessons that engage your students through music, dance, cultural studies, and history. Suitable for educators of all grades – and requiring no prior dance experience – this course is inspired by the award-winning exhibitions and programs of the Museum of the City of New York.
The course will use five different dance and musical styles as entry points for examining case studies of 20th- and 21st-century immigration and community development in New York City. These five case studies reflect the top five countries of origin for immigrants in New York City as documented by the 2015 American Community Survey: Dominican Republic, China, Jamaica, Mexico, and Guyana. Dance instructors – themselves with engaging stories to tell of their communities – will connect participants directly to the art form. Simultaneously, participants will examine how New York City’s unique role as a place of density, diversity, money, and creativity – key themes in the Museum’s collection and exhibits – has influenced the development of each dance. Scholars, curators, and museum educators will lead engaging talks, tours, and workshops that illuminate New York’s role as a place of cultural fusion, artistry, and skilled marketing.
Participants will leave with new ways to engage their students, a set of lesson plans they’ve written for their classroom, and a new appreciation for their city and the many communities it holds.
This course is designed to meet the following components and standards:
- Danielson Framework for Teaching Components 1E: Designing coherent instruction and 3C: Engaging students in learning
- Blueprint for the Arts – Dance – Grade 2 and Grade 5 Benchmarks
- Blueprint for the Arts – Music – Grade 8 and Grade 12 Benchmarks
Full syllabus available on the ASPDP Course Catalog beginning June 4, 2018.
The Museum is CTLE certified. Participation in this program provides 36 hours of CTLE credit. Eligible participants who register with ASPDP and complete the course requirements also receive 3 P Credits.
Registration for P Credit Course Rhythm & Power is a two-step process for those taking the course for P Credit credit.
Step 1: Register using the blue "Register" button at the top of this page and pay the Museum's course fee of $250.
Step 2: Beginning June 4, 2018, register for Course P140-0098.1M18 on the ASPDP Course Catalog and pay the NYC DOE ASPDP Course Fee of $125.
Important! The ASPDP registration deadline is midnight on August 11, 2018. Participants who do not register by the deadline will not be eligible for P Credit.
Educators interested in taking this course not for P Credit are welcome to do so and only need to complete Step 1. All teachers may receive CTLE credit for the course hours.
About P Credit Courses
The Museum of the City of New York offers Professional Credit (P Credit) Courses throughout the year. These courses are open to all educators, including educators not eligible for credits through the New York City Department of Education.
P Credit in-service courses are offered in conjunction with the New York City Department of Education’s After School Professional Development Program (ASPDP) and can be applied towards teachers' 30+ salary differential. ASPDP courses may also be used by teachers and paraprofessionals toward the NYS 175 hours of Professional Development requirement, as long as their principal approves. For more information on DOE salary differentials, please visit the DOE website.
Find out more about all of the P Credit Courses offered by the Museum on our P Credit page.
The Frederick A.O. Schwarz Education Center is endowed by grants from The Thompson Family Foundation Fund, the F.A.O. Schwarz Family Foundation, the William Randolph Hearst Endowment, and other generous donors.