Hidden Voices of New York City: David Ruggles Student Workshop (Grades 3-5) - 11:30am
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Educators! Register your students in grades 3-5 for this virtual workshop in collaboration with the David Ruggles Center for History and Education 5 to learn more about the life and activism of David Ruggles, as the fourth installment of our Hidden Voices of New York City virtual series.
Students who participate in this series receive access to a diversity of perspectives, develop historical thinking skills necessary to develop an understanding of the past and how it influences our present and future, and build skills in civic agency through exposure to the stories of people who organized within and beyond the city of New York to improve the city at-large for all New Yorkers.
This 1-hour workshop includes an active chat for class participation and student activities to do during the program. Told like a story in “chapters”, David Ruggles' life, work, and legacy will be explored through a close examination of images and historic artifacts.
About David Ruggles
Did you know that New York abolished slavery in 1827, but continued to profit from the slave trade for years afterwards? David Ruggles (1810-1849), a black antislavery activist and practical abolitionist, dedicated his life to expanding opportunities for the city’s Black community. In addition to starting a grocery store as part of the Quaker “Free Produce” movement, that only sold food made without enslaved labor, Ruggles made his home at 36 Lispenard Street in lower Manhattan into an Underground Railroad stop, housing the notable orator and abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
About the Workshop
In this virtual workshop, students will learn more about New York City’s involvement in the transatlantic slave trade and the work of abolitionists in the city to abolish slavery throughout the United States. Using David Ruggles’ life and activism as an entry point, they will learn how the city’s abolitionists, like Ruggles and the Lyons family, used creative means to oppose slavery through the establishment of free produce grocery stores, newspapers, and organizations that provided legal support to the runaway enslaved.
Free. Registration required. Educators who register their class will be provided with a zoom link in the days before the program. This program is presented as a webinar for student privacy. Participants are not visible on camera and chat comments are visible only to the Museum.
Program Partners
This program has been designed and will be facilitated in partnership with the David Ruggles Center for History and Education (DRC), a facility on the US National Park Service Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. Learn more about DRC on their website at https://davidrugglescenter.org/.
About the Hidden Voices of New York City Virtual Program Series
Hidden Voices of New York City is a six-part virtual workshop series for grades 3-5 from the Museum of the City of New York that highlights and honors the individual and collective experiences of a diverse swath of New Yorkers.
Students who participate in the Hidden Voices of New York City virtual student series will sharpen their historical thinking skills through engagement with primary and secondary source materials, hone skills in civic agency through exposure to the stories of people who organized within and beyond the city of New York, and gain an understanding of how the past influences our present and future.
The professional learning portion of the Hidden Voices of New York City series is designed to support educators with the best teaching strategies to bring these stories into the classroom, including activities and discussion strategies for grades 3 to 5. Learn more about these changemakers through thought-provoking guest speakers and primary source analysis that will expose multiple perspectives about the era in which they lived, the challenges they faced, and the legacy they left in New York. The Hidden Voices project is aligned to the Passport to Social Studies curriculum.
Learn more at www.mcny.org/hidden-voices
Can't make the 11:30 am program? We are offering a second program on April 20th at 9:30am!
Sign up here: David Ruggles Student Workshop – 9:30am