“HAO BANG-AH!” Hand Puppet Program for Families with Chinese Theatre Works
This event has passed.

- Family Programs are geared to families with children ages 7–12 years old and are intergenerational for adults to attend with their children.
- Masks must be worn at all times by all participants older than 2 years old. Socially distanced seating is limited and advanced registration is required.
Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, and experience the art of hand puppetry and live music in this special performance by Chinese Theatre Works at the Museum of the City of New York.
Event Timeline:
1pm: Doors open and families can begin seating.
1:30pm: Performance begins.
Rain Date: Saturday, September 25, 1:30pm.
About the Artists:
“The art of traditional glove puppetry, “Budaixi,” is a beloved performance tradition that has been enjoyed by Chinese audiences for centuries. The small (8” tall), beautifully hand-crafted figures are superbly flexible and capable actors. The puppet head and hands are beautifully carved out of wood and attached into cloth bodies into which the puppeteer slips his hand like a glove. The costumes and headdresses are gorgeously embroidered miniature copies of the traditional costumes worn by Chinese opera actors. On the hands of a master puppeteer, animated by only their five fingers, these wonderful puppet figures can vividly portray all the wide range of human emotions as well as any human actor. This style of puppetry was most popular in Southern China and in Taiwan and in contemporary times has continued to develop and evolve.
“For over a decade, CTW has been creating new productions in the style of traditional Budaixi, adapted for American audiences. We learned from masters and practitioners in Fujian and Taiwan, learning from them the techniques of manipulation and staging. During our travels we also collected the beautiful handcrafted, puppet heads and bodies, costumes, and props. Our series of original “Hao Bang-ah, Zodiac!” New Year performances are the fruit of this labor, in which we present a new, cross-cultural take of this ancient tradition. For each of these original shows, we have sculpted and created new puppet heads of the reining Zodiac animal and attached them to glove puppet bodies and costumes made by our collaborators in China.”
Chinese Theatre Works is a non-profit cultural organization based in New York City, whose mission is to preserve and promote the traditional Chinese performing arts (including opera, shadow theatre, puppetry, dance, and music); to create new works that bridge Eastern and Western aesthetics and forms; and to foster understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture in audiences, students, artists and educators around the globe.
Things to Note:
This session is also offered at 11:00 am.
Free. Advance registration is required. Capacity for each event is limited.
Safety Guidelines and Expectations for Onsite Family Programs:
- Proof of vaccination and a valid I.D. is required for entry to the event (everyone over the age of 12), so please plan ahead! Original vaccination card, Excelsior Pass, or NYC COVID Safe Pass is accepted.
- Masks will be required by all participants older than 2 years old, both indoors and outdoors.
- For more information about the Museum’s COVID Guidelines, please check our "Plan Your Visit" page.
The Museum has guidelines in place for staff, performers, and visitors to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Before you attend our programs, please familiarize yourself with these protocols and our Frequently Asked Questions here.
Masks must be worn at all times by all participants older than 2 years old. Advanced registration is required for socially distanced seating.
You can find details on the Museum’s Courtesy Code here, and our enhanced cleaning schedule and procedures here.
The safety plan and visitor guidelines are subject to change in accordance with federal, state, and city guidelines, rules and regulations, and other health and safety recommendations. Please continue to visit this page for the most up-to-date information.
If you are unable to visit us, please check out our MCNY Kids Create page for an array of digital and recorded offerings that you can enjoy remotely.
Expectations for Participation in the Museum’s Programs:
Participants are required to stay home if anyone in their party in the last 14 days has:
Had any COVID-19 related symptoms (including, but not limited to: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea).
Received a positive result from a COVID-19 test or been advised by a medical provider to remain home because of COVID-19 and/or cared for or come into close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Traveled to any state, country, or other location that would require you to quarantine according to CDC Guidelines CDC Domestic Travel Guidelines and CDC International Travel Guidelines
Museum visitors who experience COVID-related symptoms while at the Museum of the City of New York agree to self-identify to Museum staff for contact tracing purposes and exit the Museum to decrease exposure to other visitors.
To enable contact tracing, in case of an exposure event, you will be asked to volunteer your contact information. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. Those visiting the Museum of the City of New York do so at their own risk of exposure.
During the Museum’s Programs:
Family and community programs are geared to children and we require that all participants follow these guidelines.
All participants ages 2 + must wear a mask at all times that cover the nose and mouth. Please wear a mask.
Adhere to social distancing markers set up at the performance. Maintain 6-feet (2m) social distance with others outside your group.
Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizing stations.
Do not touch your face with unwashed hands. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing.
No eating or drinking is allowed in performance spaces. If you wish to eat or drink you may visit the 2nd-floor café.
Please follow the instructions of security guards and other Museum staff.
We reserve the right to request that any visitors who do not follow these protocols leave the premises.
Participants are encouraged to complete a health screening form and include their contact information upon arrival, and will be seated by Museum staff who will facilitate socially distanced seating.
This performance is supported by a Presenter’s Grant from The Jim Henson Foundation.
The Puppets of New York performance series is part of the Arts Al Fresco Series made possible by Con Edison.
Family and Community Engagement Programs are made possible in part by the Margaret S. Ogden and Stephen A. Ogden Memorial Fund, Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, and Tianaderrah Foundation. Additional support provided by Council Members Diana Ayala - District 8, Bill Perkins - District 9, and Keith Powers - District 4.
The Frederick A.O. Schwarz Education Center is endowed by grants from The Thompson Family Foundation Fund, the F.A.O. Schwarz Family Foundation, the William Randolph Hearst Endowment, and other generous donors.