A global movement to bring beauty to your news feed
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
If you're spending any time online these days, we know there's a lot of stressful news in your feed.
On Wednesday, March 11, the Museum of the City of New York began the ongoing initiative, #MuseumMomentOfZen.The premise was simple: images shared on Instagram and Twitter would feature highlights from the Museum's collections and exhibitions in an effort to bring some beauty, and hopefully a moment of peace, to our online audience. Shortly after our first post, institutions like the Corning Museum of Glass and Clark Art Institute joined the call by adding their own submissions.

Since then, museums of all shapes and sizes, as well as libraries, archives, and various cultural organizations—most of which have temporarily closed due to COVID-19—are using the hashtag to share alluring and soothing artworks, photographs, archival images, and short videos with the public.
Altogether, hundreds of users have shared more than 1,000 posts with a national and international reach. News outlets like the Hyperallergic and the TimeOut New York also wrote about the impact of the campaign.
While we're all doing our part to stay home and #FlattenTheCurve, we hope these images can act as balm during these anxious times. Remember take the time to practice self-care, and de-stress, and find your moment of zen. We're all in this together, even if right now we're connecting virtually.
Browse more selections from the Museum below, or view all hashtag submissions here. Better yet, post your own images or share some from your favorite Museum's collection.
UPDATE: As of August 2020, there were more than 10,000 images shared using this hashtag.