How the poem that gave us the iconic verse, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” made the Statue of Liberty a symbol of immigration and refuge.
This past Saturday night, New Year’s Eve, the Museum was honored to serve as part of the host committee of the inaugural Second Avenue Subway ride. Read on to explore the history of past subway expansions.
It’s harder and harder for an independent restaurant to survive in New York City. Here we look back at restaurants that enjoyed a successful run in our city.
Towards the end of his career, Alexander Hamilton wrote to his wife, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, about a “sweet project” he was planning, with which she would be pleased.
In the 1870s Augustus Hepp was commissioned to photograph the newly built Central Park. The Museum retains a collection of 40 large format cyanotypes he made.
When racing in a cab down West Street trying to make it in time for a meeting, how many people think back just a few decades when an elevated expressway ran down the western edge of the city from the Henry Hudson Expressway to Battery Park?