Amsterdam/New Amsterdam
The Worlds of Henry Hudson
April 4 - September 27, 2009

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Henry Hudson’s 1609 voyage linked together Amsterdam and the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam in a relationship that would influence the character of New York for centuries to come.
Amsterdam/New Amsterdam: The Worlds of Henry Hudson, presented in collaboration with the New Netherland Project, Albany, and the National Maritime Museum Amsterdam/Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam, employs rare 16th– and 17th–century objects, images, and documents from major American and Dutch collections to bring the transatlantic world to life and reveal how Henry Hudson’s epic third voyage of exploration planted the seeds of a modern society that took root and flourished in the New World.
Focusing on the economic, cultural, and ideological connections that ultimately linked two global cities, Amsterdam and New York, Amsterdam/New Amsterdam illuminates not only the global significance of Hudson’s voyage, but also the creative context out of which the exploration and settlement of New York itself arose, highlighting the Dutch role in creating the very character of New York as a place of opportunity, tolerance, and perpetual transformation.
In 1609, Henry Hudson, an Englishman sailing for the Dutch East India Company, made the first exploration of what is now New York Harbor and of the majestic river that today bears his name, laying the foundation for the Dutch claim on the area. His voyage of discovery led to the creation of the Dutch West India Company and ultimately to the founding of New Netherland, including its trading post at the mouth of the river—New Amsterdam.
The exhibition invites visitors to consider the voyages of Hudson in the context of the Dutch role in the Age of Exploration, and as the first link between the Dutch civilization and culture of the Old World and that of the colony that they would soon build in the New. The multicultural, dynamic colony that grew up there was profoundly shaped by its Dutch origins, which continued to influence its development even after the Dutch ceded the young colony to the British in 1664.
Amsterdam/New Amsterdam: The Worlds of Henry Hudson is made possible in part with support from the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in New York as part of its NY400 Celebrations.
Lead sponsorship is provided by Alexander J. Roepers, Netherland-American Foundation, New Netherland Institute, and The CITCO Group of Companies.
Major support is provided by Aragon Construction, CB Richard Ellis, Ted Moudis Associates, and the New York Council for the Humanities.
Additional support is provided by Collegiate Church Corporation, Evenson Best, Knoll, Longbow Capital Partners, L.P., The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Netherlands American Community Trust, and TNT, as well as by David and Ide Dangoor, HAL Holding N.V., Island Architectural Woodwork, Inc., and Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP.
Support from Hazewinkel Corp, John L. Loeb Jr. Foundation, Gerry Vos, Roelf E. Rogaar, and Wade F.B. Thompson is gratefully acknowledged.