Digitized Wall Text

The available wall text from our current exhibitions can be found online following the links below.
This text can be used during your visit to avoid crowding around labels. Our website is also high contrast for visitors with low vision and this text can be translated into Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and French, powered by Google Translate, by clicking on the speech bubble icon at the top right of the page.
On-site, you can access this digitized wall text via a QR code in the Museum Guide.
For more information on Museum accessibility, click here.
New York at Its Core: Port City Exhibition Text
New York at Its Core: World City Exhibition Text
Food in New York: Bigger Than the Plate Exhibition Text
Activist New York Exhibition Text
New York Now: Home—A Photography Triennial Exhibition Text
City of Faith: Religion, Activism, and Urban Space Exhibition Text
This Is New York: 100 Years of the City in Art and Pop Culture Exhibition Text